Monday, 26 March 2012


  10 facts about badminton:
       1.badminton has been in olympic sports  since 1992
       2.the USA badminton association has been established in 1936
       3.the shortest record for the world's badminton match is only 6 minutes     
       4.badminton is the world fastest racket sports
       5.the best badminton shuttle are made from the feather from the left wing of goose
       6.the International Badminton Federation has over 150 member nations
       7.china and indonesia have won 70 % of all IBF events
       8.the original name of badminton is shuttlecock.
       9.16 feathers are used to make shuttle
      10.a shuttlecock weighs between 4.74 and 5.50 gram

  i like to play badminton because it's the only sport that i'm good enough..hehe .I started to learn play badminton since i was five years dad taught me how to play it .At first i hate to play it because the shuttle keeps going down,down,down and down.I don't know how to play it well so i decide not to play it .But one day my brother asked me to play with him but i refused.
       i told him that i'm not good at playing badminton but he kept asking me to play with him which make me so annoyed!!then he told me that he can taught me how to play it well.Then i started thinking  that maybe when i learned badminton with him i can be a good player just like him so , started on that day every evening i will go out with him and played badminton so that i can be good in this sport.
        After a month, i could play good enough which make me felt so proud of myself and it gives me a lesson that in order to achieve what we want we must keep trying and never give up!! I LOVE BADMINTON!! thank you my brother because you kept taught me eventhought it is hard .

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