Friday, 20 April 2012

Nature's Gift

   Thank to God all the nature in the world.This nature gift are amazing and wonderful. Example of nature's gift is the mountain, sea, forest, flora, fauna and river.

     There are many benefits that we can get from this gift. One of it is fresh air. Human and animals need sufficient air to stay alive. Plants also need it to do their process. Other than that, we can get source of water from the rivers and the sea. In our daily life, we need water to drink, cook, take a bath and many more activities. If there is no water, all living things will be dead because they didn't get enough water. Water is also a source of renewable energy that is hydroelectric. From this we can get electricity. This source need so that we can do our activity clearly.

   From this nature's gift, we can also cure diseases, Nowadays, many diseases were found, so from this nature we can prevent diseases from becoming worse. Here in Malaysia especially, there are many plants that we can use to cure different types of illness.

   As a conclusion, all of this nature give us benefits to all living things. So we should take care of it so that there are no problem happen in the future.