Friday, 1 June 2012

the activities which foster our family bond

  In these two weeks holiday,there are many activities that we can do with our family to foster our relationship.Some of them are clean our compound together,have a vacation and have a family day.So,I believe that all of us are having these activities with their family.
    During these holiday,I had did many benefits things with my family.For example,last weekend,we had finished clean and tidied up our house and compund.My sister and I busy decorated our room to make it more interesting and comfortable.We asked our parents to pain the wall's room with green in colour so that it will looked more calm.
    Besides,we also helped our mother to clean the kitchen.We put aside all the unwanted things.My parents also had bought new eating table.While,my brother had washed the car and the motorcycle.After he had washed them,the two things looked shining.
     Other than that,we had a vacation at Tioman Island.It was really beutiful and scenic place ! I was so excited to go there.We had did some activities there like snorkelling,scuba giving,and took lots of pictures there.So,our family bond becomes more closed and peace.
    I hope the next holiday,my family and I can do other exciting activities.To Mrs Shangari and all my friends,I hope all of you will enjoy your holiday.Thank you !

exciting activities :)

                            Starting from last saturday , the school holidays had started . I bet many of my friends had planned to do many exciting and also fun activities with thier family . Many activities can be done to foster our family bonds during this school holiday  .
                            In fact many activities my family and i had done during the first week of this school holiday . On top of that , right now i want to share to all of you some activities that can be done during this school holidays . These activities not only can foster family bonds and also give us many benefits .

                             One activity that we all can do is we can go for  a vacation with our family . Does not matter if we want to go for a vacation in our peaceful country or another country . For example we can go for a vacation at korea which is a peaceful and clean also .
                            I wish i can go there when i grow up . Besides . during the vacation also many activities can be done too . For example if we go for a vacation at an island we also can do intersting activities like snorkelling and also scuba diving .

                            Furthermore , we also can go for a picnic at any beaches or lakes or anywhere we want with our family  . Picnic is one of the most interesting activity to do because from that activity we can have a chit chat with our family members .

                            I think thats all for the last entry . i hope one day , i will have another blog to tell exciting stories about my life , my dreams and also my hopes for the future . I wish all the best for all my classmates and thanks MADAM SHANGARI because gives an opportunity for me to write in this blog .