Monday, 20 February 2012

This week must be busy to all member's of SMK Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom (SHAKS).All teacher and student are busy to make our shool cheerful.We will received a visit from IMTIAZ because they want to see how our school achieve forth place in Anugerah Seri Asrama Terbilang (ASAT) last year.They will be at SHAKS for two days to see and learn how we manage our hostel until become the best hostel for the east coast.So,we need to keep the good name of SHAKS and do the best to make our hostel look beautiful and clean..


  1. your sentence are so short.....I don't have feeling when reading your sentences...U also have many grammar many till I could not understand what are U trying to tell about..that all from me thank you...


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